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Full name of the young person
Age of the young person (at time of entry)
School Name
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Northern Ireland
I confirm that I am the parent/guardian of the young person named. The work I am submitting is the original work of the young person named.
I confirm that I am the parent/guardian of the young person named. The work I am submitting is the original work of the young person named.
I confirm that I am the parent/guardian of the young person named. The work I am submitting is the original work of the young person named.
I consent to the young person named taking part in filming and other promotion/marketing as specified in relation to the campaign, and consent to M&S contacting me in relation to the competition.
I consent to the young person named taking part in filming and other promotion/marketing as specified in relation to the campaign, and consent to M&S contacting me in relation to the competition.
I consent to the young person named taking part in filming and other promotion/marketing as specified in relation to the campaign, and consent to M&S contacting me in relation to the competition.
I confirm I have read and understood the safeguarding policy for this competition. I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and understand that the data submitted will be processed in line with M&S and YoungMinds’ privacy policies.
I confirm I have read and understood the safeguarding policy for this competition. I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and understand that the data submitted will be processed in line with M&S and YoungMinds’ privacy policies.
I confirm I have read and understood the safeguarding policy for this competition. I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and understand that the data submitted will be processed in line with M&S and YoungMinds’ privacy policies.